About Me

Hi everyone,

This is my first blog and I’m very excited to share my thoughts about faith, love and life with you. I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, cousin, friend and woman of God. I am a poet, speaker, writer and playwright. I have a passion for helping others see the best in themselves despite their circumstances or the limits placed on them. I strive to see life through the eyes of God, but my vision isn’t always clear. I am human and flawed. I am courageous and scared at the same time. I am complicated, yet easy to please. I am Sherry R. Jones and I thank you for your interest in my blog. I look forward to getting to know you. Sherry speaks, but I listen also. 🙂

As stated above, I will discuss three main topics; faith, love and life. Today, I want to share some of my thoughts about faith.

“Trust in the Lord will all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5 (NKJV)

This is one of my favorite Bible verses. I try my best to trust the Lord with everything, but it’s not always easy to do. How do I trust Him when there are more bills than money? How do I trust Him that healing is on the way when a loved one is faced with a health issue? How do I trust Him that my child will be okay when he is having difficulty in school? How do I trust Him when the goals I want to accomplish seem so far out of my reach? I don’t know how I do it, but I do.

Newborn babies don’t know how to trust that they will be taken care of, they just do. They know that if they cry someone will come and figure out what needs to be done. Oftentimes I’m like a baby crying out when things are not right in my life. I don’t know how things are going to work out, but I know my Father will come and figure it out.

That’s faith. Trusting things will work out before they do. Believing beyond what you see. Not depending on your understanding, but knowing that God knows all. Following His path, not yours. Giving Him glory in everything you do.

Faith is a major part of who I am. Faith pushes me forward when I want to run back. Faith allows me to strive to be more than I dreamed I could be. Faith is my foundation. It has been shaken from time to time, but it has always held me up.

What is faith to you? Is it important to you? What role has faith played in your life? Please share. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. God bless!



28 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Barbara says:

    Faith is trusting and believing and this is why my family and I have made it thus far. But it does not stop here because I keep trusting in faith


  2. Teresa Broughton says:

    Sherry this was so encouraging to me and I’m so happy that I stopped by! This is a wonderfully natural extension of the beautiful person that t


  3. Thosha Hill says:

    You are such a talented woman of God. This was beautifully written and oh so timely.
    Thanks for sharing your talent with the world.


  4. Diana Gonzalez says:

    Hi Sherry, thank you for sharing and for stepping out in faith and doin what you feel in your heart even if you do it afraid.. Your words encouraged me today, beautiful lady, beautiful woman of God !!


    • Thank you so much for your comment Diana! I’m so glad I stepped out as well. The Lord has been dealing with me and my fear and I’ve been working on peeling away the layers. I’m so glad I was a blessing to you. Have a blessed day!


  5. Sharmon says:


    I am going to enjoy reading your blog on a regular bases.
    Faith for me has and always be an important factor in my life. I strive to make sure that if i have nothing else in tact my faith is because without it i would not be where i am today. I thank my parents for in stilling in me at a very early age faith in God, as well as faith in my fellow man.


    • Hi Sharmon! I’m so happy you have decided to be a regular. I pray that I am able to continue to write blogs you will enjoy.
      You are so right about having that foundation from your parents. My parents also instilled faith and love in me as a young girl. Although I strayed away for awhile I found my way home and that’s what’s most important. God bless you!


    • Hi Sharmon! I’m so happy you have decided to be a regular. I pray that I am able to continue to write blogs you will enjoy.
      You are so right about having that foundation from your parents. My parents also instilled faith and love in me as a young girl. Although I strayed away for awhile I found my way home and that’s what’s most important. God bless you!


  6. Tameil says:

    SHERRY!!!! I am proud of you my dear friend!! Also always, God speaks to your heart & you are obedient in sharing. GREAT POST!!

    Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


    • Thanks so much Tameil! You are going to make me blush! lol I’m so glad I was a blessing to you. Thank you for sharing that scripture. It is right on time. Have a blessed day!


  7. Tracy Martin says:


    Love your blog.

    I must tell you faith has been a struggle for me during my Christian faith but God always has a way of bringing me to knees so that I know he is the only one in control.

    Your future blogs will remind me who God continues in my life faithful.


    • I’m so glad you enjoyed my blog Tracy! Yes, faith can definitely be a stuggle, but God always shows us who He is and why we should depend on Him. I hope my blog will continue to encourage you. God bless!


  8. Kristy N says:

    Hi Sherry this is your Sorority Sister Kristy. Something told me to go on Facebook today and walah I saw your blog. This is very much encouraging. You are talented and bless. Its good to see you using your spirituality to uplift readers. I encourage you to continue this blog because it is a blessing. This is what I needed the encouragement to continue my Faith and to lean on my Heavenly Father. Thank you with highest praises. Stay Blessed!


    • Hey love! It’s awesome to hear from you! I’m so glad the Lord led you to read my blog and receive the encouragement you needed . I’m so happy my words blessed you. I was definitely continue this blog. I appreciate your encouraging words. We need to stay in touch more often. I will do better. 🙂 Be blessed!


  9. Wanda Thompson says:

    We have to learn to trust God even though we don’t understand what is happening to us and we have to trust God when he say no to our prayers and answer them in a different way than what we wanted. He knows what is best for us and he does things for our good and his glory


    • Thank you so much for your comment Wanda! You are so right. Sometimes our prayers are answered totally different than we expected, but it’s always on time. He wants the best for us and we have to trust His way. Be blessed and stay encouraged in the Lord! Have a great evening!


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